Higher Education O&M Preparation Programs

Note: Submit additions and corrections to eileensiffermann@comcast.net


University of Alabama in Huntsville
Website:  https://www.uah.edu/education/departments/curriculum-and-instruction/graduate-programs/master-of-education/orientation-and-mobility-concentration
Contact: Derrick Smith (derrick.smith@uah.edu)
Degrees Offered: M.Ed. in Differentiated Instruction-Orientation and Mobility Concentration
Delivery Methods: Online (Fall/Spring), Face-to-Face/Hybrid (Summer)
Other Information: The courses are primarily online during the fall and spring semesters but do include by synchronous and asynchronous class meetings online. During the summer, students will be required to complete coursework on campus for a minimum of 5 weeks. The program also requires an internship as part of the degree.


University of Arkansas Little Rock
Website:  https://ualr.edu/gradschool/grad-program-list/#
Contact: John W. McAllister (Jwmcallister@ualr.edu
Degrees Offered: GC/MA Rehabilitation of the Blind O&M
Delivery Methods: Online/ Face to face (Two Consecutive Summers)  
Other Information: Practicum and internship is required prior to Graduation.  This program is offered On-Line with the exception of the two consecutive summers that are face to face for the blindfold experience.
To learn more:  Please contact John McAllister via email at Jwmcallister@ualr.edu or by phone at 501-916-6263
GC= Graduate Certificate (24hrs.)
MA= Master of Arts (42hrs.)
AERAC Accredited Orientation & Mobility (O&M) Programs


California State University
Website:   https://www.calstatela.edu/academic/ccoe/programs/omobility 
Contact: Dr. Nicholas Casias, EdD, COMS (ncasias2@calstatela.edu ) or Brenda Naimy, MA, COMS (bnaimy@calstatela.edu)   
Degree Offered: MA in Special Education, Option in Visual Impairment and Blindness: Orientation & Mobility   
Delivery Methods: Hybrid – online work (synchronous + asynchronous) plus on campus/face-to-face 
Other Information: O&M fieldwork includes placements in school district as well as full-time adult agency placement. Successful completion results in eligibility for CA Clinical Rehabilitative Services Credential in O&M, plus MA Degree in Special Education: Option Orientation & Mobility.  Dual credentialing pathway, O&M plus TVI, is available. Grant funding support may be available for eligible candidates.

San Francisco State University
Website:   https://mobility.sfsu.edu/ 
Contact: Sandra Rosen (srosen@sfsu.edu or 510-449-9459)
Degrees Offered: MA, Certificate, Ph.D.  
Delivery Methods: On campus/Face-to-face, Synchronous, Asynchronous, Hybrid   
Other Information: Full- and part-time tracks available. Online courses offered in the evenings; hybrid courses offered on Saturdays. Course options available for individuals either with, or without, a background in blindness and visual impairment. Program to prepare teachers of students with visual impairments (TVI) is also available.
AERAC Accredited Orientation & Mobility (O&M) Programs


University of Northern Colorado
Paula Conroy, paula.conroy@unco.edu
AERAC Accredited Orientation & Mobility (O&M) Programs


Florida State University
Website:  https://education.fsu.edu/visual-disabilities-grad  
Contact: Eileen Bischof ( bischof@fsu.edu ) 
Degrees Offered: BS/MS Pathway, MS, PhD 
Delivery Methods: On campus/Face-to-face, Hybrid  
Other Information: One semester, full-time internship is required prior to graduation. Program is also offered to prepare teachers of students with visual impairments (TVI) who specialize in orientation and mobility.
Make an appointment to learn more: https://calendly.com/fsu-bischof/30min?month=2020-10


Northern Illinois University
Website: https://www.cedu.niu.edu/seed/graduate-programs/masters-visual-disabilities.shtml  
Contact: Stacy Kelly (skelly@niu.edu)    
Degrees Offered: B.S.Ed., M.S.Ed., Certificate of Graduate Study, Ph.D.  
Delivery Methods: On campus/Face-to-face    
Other Information: Generous student financial assistance is available. We will pay all in-state or out-of-state tuition, all fees, health insurance, and a stipend of $5,520 per calendar year for qualified individuals who wish to come to Northern Illinois University to enroll in our AERAC and CEC Accredited Visual Disabilities Program. Those who study Orientation and Mobility at Northern Illinois University can also add any of our other program licensures/certifications to their degree and certification program in Orientation and Mobility and this includes Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments (TSVI), Vision Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT) and/or Assistive Technology.  
AERAC Accredited Orientation & Mobility (O&M) Programs


University of Kentucky 
Website:  https://education.uky.edu/edsrc-programs/orientation-mobility-program/  
Contact: Donna Lee (donna.b.lee@uky.edu)
Degrees Offered: MA
Delivery Methods:  On campus/Face-to-face,  Hybrid
Other Information: Courses are offered online in the evenings with additional in-person meetings.  Part-time program designed for students in Kentucky and the surrounding region. Course options available for individuals with and without a background in blindness and visual impairment.


Louisiana Tech University

Website:   https://www.pdrib.com/ 
Contact: Edward Bell (ebell@latech.edu)
Degrees Offered: MA in Counseling and Guidance O&M and/or Rehab Teaching, MAT in Teaching Blind Students, or Graduate Certification in any of the three.   
Delivery Methods: On campus/Face-to-face, Hybrid  
Other Information: One quarter, full time immersion training and one quarter full-time internship is required prior to graduation. This program prepares graduates to teach using Structured Discovery Cane Travel (SDCT)™ methods and principles. Upon completion of this program, graduates are prepared to sit for the National Orientation and Mobility Certification (NOMC). Future instructors in this program are provided with a variety of learning opportunities that often lead to personal growth as well as professional preparation.


University of Massachusetts-Boston
UMass Boston has 2 options for O&M:
M.Ed. Vision Studies-O&M:   37 credits, part time, 90% online
Graduate Certificate-O&M:  19-28 credits depending on the applicant’s background, part time, 90% online
Laura Bozeman: Professor & Director Vision Studies Laura.bozeman@umb.edu
Darick Wright: O&M Program Coordinator Darick.wright@umb.edu
Paula Kosior: O&M Program Coordinator Paula.kosior@umb.edu
NEASC Accredited
AERAC Accredited Orientation & Mobility (O&M) Programs


Western Michigan University
Website:   https://wmich.edu/visionstudies
Contact: Dawn Anderson (dawn.l.anderson@wmich.edu) for O&M for Children,
Dae Kim (dae.kim@wmich.edu) for O&M for Adults
Degrees Offered: MA
Delivery Methods:  On campus/Face-to-face,  Hybrid
Other Information: WMU offers two O&M masters programs, one geared toward teaching children and one geared toward teaching adults. Graduates of both are eligible for ACVREP certification. Both require a 60 hour practicum and 600 hour internship. Student may complete either program in person or on line however, if completing coursework on line, students must attend in person one 6 week summer session.
AERAC Accredited Orientation & Mobility (O&M) Programs


University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Website: https://cehs.unl.edu/secd/visual-impairments/
Contact: Mackenzie Savaiano (msavaiano2@unl.edu
Degree’s Offered: Added Endorsement, M.Ed., Ph.D.
Delivery Methods: Online, Hybrid
Other Information: The face-to-face component of the program is six weeks during one summer and 1-2 weeks during the final summer. Subsidized housing is available.

New Mexico

New Mexico University
Loana Mason, loanam@nmsu.edu
Mark Carter, markcarter1211@gmail.com

New York

Hunter College of The City University of New York
Website: https://education.hunter.cuny.edu/academics/graduate-programs/blind-and-visually-impaired-orientation-and-mobility-advanced-certificate/
Contact: Professor Beth Brady (lbrady@hunter.cuny.edu)
Degrees Offered: MSEd, Advanced Certificate
Delivery Methods: Fall/Spring -real-time, face-to-face online (high speed audio/video); Summer O&M Labs 2-weeks on-campus, dorms available
Other Information: Hunter offers graduate degrees in vision rehabilitation therapy (VRT), Teacher of Learners with Visual Impairments (TVI), and Severe Disabilities including Deafblindness. 

North Carolina

North Carolina Central University
Website:   https://www.nccu.edu/academics/graduate-programs/visual-impairment-orientation-mobility-med  
O&M Contact: Jennifer Thurman (jthurma8@nccu.edu)
Faculty: William Wiener, Professor; Sean Tikkun, Assistant Professor; Jennifer Thurman, Clinical Professor 
Degrees Offered: Master’s in O&M, TSVI, AT; Certificates also available in those programs 
Delivery Methods: On campus/Face-to-face, Online/Synchronous, Full-time and Part-time programs. Grant funding available for master’s study. 
Other Information: Visual Simulation Instruction required on 12 weekends over two semesters for O&M program; 350 hours of internship is required prior to graduation.
Make an appointment to learn more:
Jthurma8@nccu.edu – O&M
wwiener@nccu.edu – O&M
stikkun@nccu.edu – TSVI, AT
AERAC Accredited Orientation & Mobility (O&M) Programs


The Ohio State University
Website: (under construction). 
Contact: Danene Fast (fast.40@osu.edu)
Degrees Offered: Licensure Only, MA, PhD
Delivery Methods: Hybrid
Additional Information: O&M courses are offered online with hands-on preparation on the weekends and evenings.  Those wanting to pursue the MA degree must take classes that are traditional face-to-face.  Options are available for those with and without a background in visual impairment and blindness.


Portland State University
Website:  https://www.pdx.edu/education/om/course-of-study    
Program Contact: Amy T. Parker  atp5@pdx.edu 
Degrees Offered: MS; O&M graduate certificate; Ed.D. in special education 
Delivery Methods: On campus/Face-to-face, Hybrid  
Other Information: A 400 hour practicum internship is required prior to graduation. Program is also offered to prepare teachers of students with visual impairments (TVI) who specialize in orientation and mobility.
Make an appointment to learn more: 
Tracy Williams-Murphy
Admissions Advisor
AERAC Accredited Orientation & Mobility (O&M) Programs


Salus University
Website:    https://www.salus.edu/Colleges/Health-Sciences-Education-Rehabilitation/Low-Vision-Rehabilitation-Programs/Orientation-Mobility.aspx
Contact: Jamie Mafit (jmaffit@salus.edu
Degrees Offered: Certificate, Master of Science
Delivery Methods: Hybrid, 10-week summer residency, 1-week fall residency  
Other Information: Full and part-time programs available.  Options for individuals with and without a background in blindness and visual impairment.  Two direct service courses, O&M Fieldwork and O&M Internship (full-time, one semester), required prior to graduation. 
Admissions Process:  https://www.salus.edu/Colleges/Health-Sciences-Education-Rehabilitation/Low-Vision-Rehabilitation-Programs/Application-Process.aspx
AERAC Accredited Orientation & Mobility (O&M) Programs

University of Pittsburgh
Website: https://www.education.pitt.edu/academics/vision-studies-programs
Contact: Frances Mary D’Andrea (fmd22@pitt.edu)
Degree’s Offered: Certificate Only, MEd, PhD
Delivery Methods: On campus/Face-to-face, Hybrid  
Other Information: The face-to-face component of the program is seven weeks over the course of one summer. Subsidized housing is available. A one semester, full-time internship is required prior to graduation.
AERAC Accredited Orientation & Mobility (O&M) Programs

South Carolina

South Carolina State University
Shirley Madison, smadison@scsu.edu


Stephen F. Austin State University
TSVI graduate:  https://www.sfasu.edu/edstudies/407.asp
O&M graduate:  https://www.sfasu.edu/edstudies/406.asp
O&M undergraduate:  https://www.sfasu.edu/humanservices/122.asp
Contact: Shannon Darst, Ph.D., TSVI (omvi@sfasu.edu) 
Degrees Offered: TSVI certificate only; O&M certificate only; Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation Services with O&M certificate; Master of Education in Special Education with TSVI concentration; Master of Education in Special Education with O&M concentration
Delivery Methods: undergraduate: hybrid; graduate O&M: online with face-to-face cane skills preparation; graduate TSVI: online 
Other Information: SFA hosts the only undergraduate O&M preparation program in the United States; dual certification pathway available; grant funding for tuition for Texas students available; online synchronous meetings held for all courses to enhance the online/distance learning experience; 
Make an appointment to learn more:  omvi@sfasu.edu

Texas Tech University
Website:   https://www.depts.ttu.edu/education/graduate/psychology-and-leadership/special_education_visual_impairment.php
Contact: Nora Griffin-Shirley (n.griffin-shirley@ttu.edu) or 806-834-0225
Degrees Offered: MEd or certification-only program
Delivery Methods:  On campus/Face-to-face,  Hybrid, 2 blindfold simulation courses are offered in summer.
Other Information:  Course options available for individuals with and without a background in blindness and visual impairment.
Funding available for people from Texas.
AERAC Accredited Orientation & Mobility (O&M) Programs